Essential Lighting tutorials from The University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia

Here are 2 pretty handy videos on the very basics of lighting for film (produced by the College of Fine Arts, The University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia).

Three points lighting with the detailed examples of different types of lights:


 Outdoors lighting and using reflectors:

The rest of the tutorials from them can be found on this playlist

John Wayne – The whole idea of our business is illusion.

The whole idea of our business is illusion. They’re getting away from that now putting electric squibs in livers and blowing them up in slow motion and having blood all over everything. I mean it’s not that there is more violence in the pictures today, it’s that it’s done with such a bad taste! That people turn their stomachs not their emotional insides are affected. That turns their stomachs.

John Wayne, 1975